CRACKED EP. 21 The rondel king has arrived to the kingdom of Cracked. I present to the court...Tyler Kimball of Monarch Glass

 In episode 21, we get to take a peek into the mind and studio of Tyler Kimball, cover artist for the SGQ and owner of Monarch Glass. Born and raised in Kansas City, Tyler has gone to all lengths to bring great glass art to the Kansas City area as well as creating installation art and gift glass alike for places and people around the globe. He had worked in almost 60 different studios through residencies, visiting artist stints, and contracted hire before building up Monarch Glass Studio. His passion for working in glass has led him down many different avenues over the years and his favorite work is always just around the next turn. However, Tyler is on our radar here at Cracked as this industry’s leader with his much coveted glass rondels and we're all waiting with bated breath to see and get our hands on his latest venture... bespoke flat sheet glass. Hushed and hopeful whispers of this possibility have spread like wildfire across the land of glass makers everywhere. Is this thrilling Tyler Kimball rumor true? Keep listening to find out! 

All right let’s do this!! Join me as I crack it all wide open! 

To see more of Tyler's work, his instagram is @coach_kimball and his website is

Honorable mentions from this episode:

A bit about Jim Flanagan, Tyler's mentor from Fremont Glass.

Thank you to this episode’s sponsor:

The Stained Glass Association of America
The Professional Trade Association for Architectural Art Glass

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